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Here's a bogus cover of a famous magazine currently circulating on the internet, related to the upcoming Philippine presidential elections. On the cover, Manny Villar with a crown on his head, supposedly given by King Juan Carlos of Spain as a gift which says, "El Nuevo Arroyo" ( The New Arroyo), this is a parody of the Time magazine's cover of Villar's closest opponent in the presidential race, Benigno Aquino lll weeks ago. The title of Aquino's Time Magazine special edition is "The New Aquino". And at the top of the bogus cover it headlines the meeting of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the Spanish King.
Manny Villar is said to be the secret administration candidate, hence, the creation of the portmanteau term the "Villarroyo". Manny Villar belongs to the oldest and one of the biggest political parties in the Philippines which is the Partido Nacionalista.